All designers share a love for typography.   The type you choose can make such an impact on the emotion someone feels when seeing your design.   Not to mention, the font choice needs to make sense for your brand and business/product name.  For example, let’s say the “Happy Day Café” needed a logo.  As you can see below, the font you choose can make a huge difference on the image you are portraying about your business.

The Power of Type

There are thousands and thousands of fonts out there, so choosing the right one can be difficult.   Graphic designers can help steer you in the right direction for the best font selections.

I came across  a great article on typography,  “The Art of Type” on Red Envelope of all places.   This just shows you the power of having a blog on your website.  Red Envelope is a gift buying website.  And I just happen to stumble upon this article someone posted on Twitter….and now I am looking at all of the great gifts they have!    Check out the article here for a great read on typography:




Now, which was your favorite font for the “Happy Day Cafe”?