Delicious Colors

Icing Swatches! Who knew all of the amazing icing colors you could make with a standard box of red (r), yellow (y), blue (b) and green (g) food coloring?  Find all 46 color combos HERE. Instructions:  Mix 1 cup of frosting with drops indicated.  Don’t be...


Have you heard of Instagram?  If not and you have an iPhone or Android, then you should download the free app and start taking some photos now!  Instagram is a fun & quirky way to share your life with friends through a series of pictures. Snap a photo with your...

Gustav Klimt

I bought a poster of this painting for my room (I think at Target) when I was in high school, not knowing who this artist “Gustav Klimt” was or where the art came from.  I loved all of the colors and shapes, and thought it was so romantic.  A year later I...